Monday 11 January 2010

Other Blogs

I've got a confession to make. With the exception of writing my own, I don't really read all that many blogs by other people - in fact the only ones I really read are this excellent one by a friend, my brother's hilarious but all too infrequent effort, and Tim Danaher's fantastic insight into the world of retail.

This is pretty shocking really, especially given that online and social media are supposed to be an ever increasing part of my job description. It's not that I don't enjoy reading them, because I genuinely do and indeed regularly return to the ones I do read to see what's been written next. It's more that I find them a) quite hard to find in the first place and b) quite difficult to remember what they were called if I don't read them regularly.

Apparently, Blogger has a system for monitoring certain blogs that you wish to read, and it shows you recent posts by these authors. I've just signed up to this, and hopefully it'll make a certifiable difference to my consumption. But there must be a better way to remind me to read them than this - I'm exceptionally stubborn and stuck in my ways, which means if there is a social networking-type thingy that will alert me to them, I haven't found it yet.

It also doesn't solve the problem of how you find them either - outside of the ones written by politicians and the media, they're mostly hidden in some dark corner of cyberspace lieing dormant and desperate for someone to discover them and spread the good word.

For now then, it'll pretty much remain the neanderthal way of using one's memory to remember to read them and hoping that I stumble across a couple more by chance whilst surfing the net (which is a phrase that I haven't heard anyone in about 2 years incidentally).

Then again, given I only follow three of the blighters, maybe that won't be so difficult to remember after all.

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