Friday 16 October 2009


Today's an immensely sad day in my office, because two really bright, young, promising stalwarts of our company are leaving.

I'm absolutely gutted about both to be honest - between them they've not only given me a hell of a lot of laughs, but also taught me a staggering amount about the job that I do. In a nutshell, that's why you have work colleagues and friends - to accomplish those two goals. They make your life enjoyable, and they help you to advance day by day, month by month and year by year.

But now, they're leaving, which means I'll have to look elsewhere for that same inspiration. Happily my company isn't short of just such people, but that doesn't mean the loss of these two will be any easier to take.

Life moves on. Some people deal with it very well, some with it incredibly poorly. I now know which camp I'm in

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