Sunday 15 November 2009

Time over distance

I had a great night out on Friday with a couple of friends who, it turns out, I hadn't seen for at least 3 months. This despite living no more than 3/4 miles away from either of them and working within half a mile of each.

That's the slightly strange thing about London, and still something I've not really come to terms with despite having lived here for 2 years now. This place moves at such a fast pace, and the dynamics of working life and travel are so different that it can be weeks before you realise it's been weeks since you last saw someone.

Diary schedules also seem to get filled a lot quicker here than elsewhere - or maybe it's just a case of getting older and having more on, I'm not sure.

Happily though, the months-long famine was no barrier to a damn good night - especially if the Jagerbombs were anything to go by. Fantastic place actually, though all I could tell you was it was somewhere near Waterloo, had an outdoor area with disturbingly spiky plants, and sold 5 bottles of Corona, in a bucket, for £14. What a brilliant idea!

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