First, there was Facebook. Then, there was Twitter. Now, it might be Foursquare's turn. Never heard of it? Then you're not alone, because the number of people using it in the UK is still pretty small and mostly smartphone-bound.
In a nutshell, Foursquare is a social media game which allows you to 'check-in' to bars, restaurants, pubs, offices, shops and pretty much anywhere else that you're in at a given moment in time. By checking-in you score a certain number of points and unlock 'badges', all of which gives Foursquare its competitive nature. You can also leave 'tips' at locations to recommend (or warn off) certain products/drinks etc.
Sounds utterly pointless and another of those new social media things that won't go anywhere? Pretty much yes, but then that's what people said about Twitter around 18 months ago and look at it now - i'd love to see how many people followed Gordon and Sarah Brown's exit from Downing Street on TV vs Sarah's Twitter feed.
A friend first introduced me to Foursquare back in January at which point I had an initial play, got bored and then chucked it away for a few months. I didn't get it, couldn't be bothered and didn't have any friends to foursquare against anyway.
But just like Twitter last year, I've now come back to it and slowly am becoming hooked. I scarcely go places now without checking in (much to the irritation of some of my friends), am constantly checking the leaderboard to see how I'm doing, and am eagerly hunting down all the mayorships and badges I can in constant competition with my housemate.
Will it catch on? Maybe, though I'm not sure it's ultimately going to be as useful to people as Twitter has proven, or as fun as Facebook has become and that's what may hold it back.
If it does though, then I can finally say that after 26 years I'm actually one of the early adopters of a new technology - which is one more box ticked on the 'things to do before 30' list.